Join Motivational Speaker Mark Potter Tonight in Page Theatre
Today at 7:00 p.m., Mark Potter and his wife, Nanette, will discuss their battle with depression in Page Theatre.
Today at 7:00 p.m., Mark Potter and his wife, Nanette, will discuss their battle with depression in Page Theatre.
RSVP today for the MN Private Colleges’ Job & Internship Fair being held for undergraduate students at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Feb. 19.
First-gen student Kevin Porcayo embraced college life—triple majoring, joining clubs, studying abroad, and making lifelong friends at Saint Mary’s.
Feb 13 Marks the Day that Blessed James Miller was killed in Guatemala in 1983.
Don’t miss out on Dr. Oyola Rebaza’s performance today!
Come support the Cardinals tonight at home!
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Robert Kierlin
Registration is now open for the Cardinal Excellence Fund Dinner and Hall of Fame Awards on March 22nd
Check out the exciting sporting events this week!
On Feb 9, Lasallians celebrate the Feast of San Miguel of Ecuador, a Christian Brother Saint