The Life of St John Baptist de La Salle: A Readers Theater

Posted By: Brother Larry Schatz On: 2024-03-18
Posted On: 2024-03-18

To commemorate St. John Baptist de La Salle during De La Salle Week, a special Readers Theater presentation will happen this evening, Monday, March 18, in Toner Center Lounge. Four Brothers will present the Founders Life via their voices with images in the background. It starts at 7:30, lasts about 20 minutes, and will be followed by a reception, featuring Brother Frank’s “famous” cookies.

Readers will include guest Brothers Alan Parham (CBU), Matthew Kotek (DeLaSalle HS) and Rob Veselsky (Lewis) who are visiting campus this week as part of the Midwest District Vocation Team. Come and learn more about the Patron of Teachers, meet some new Brothers, and enjoy some delicious cookies.