Student Senate meeting minutes March 15

Posted By: Jo Nesler On: 2022-03-22
Posted On: 2022-03-22

Student Senate Meeting
March 15, 2022

Meeting called to order by President Elijah Williams at 7:00 p.m.
Prayer by Father Burns

Members Present
Mary Furlong, Joseph Schauf, Jonathon Krull, Angel Sacta Espinoza, Riley Hall, Lyanna Novak, Destiny Walker, Sophia O’Neil, Elijah Williams, Allison Moysis, Sam Carlson, Delaney Calabrese, Katie Pierpont, Maria Flynn, Seth Peterson, Maddie Wilsey, Haddy Falkman, Elise Roxas, Jordan Keeley, Hunter Phillips – Sydney, Kristian Lindanger, Abby Gilliland, Morgan Brown – Lizzy Newman, Annie Carmean, Maggie Newhouse

Members Absent
Robert Budzius

Members Excused

Father Burns
What brought you to Saint Mary’s and what drew you to the Lasallian mission?

He is from Minnesota and he and his family grew up in Saint Paul. He didn’t know much about Saint Mary’s but the more he got to know about the university, he found it compelling and special to him.

What do your hobbies include and what do you do for fun?

I enjoy going for walks and cooking for my family and friends. I also used to have a horse and I loved taking care of him when I had the chance.

Where do you see Saint Mary’s in 5 years?

I see Saint Mary’s at the forefront of transformational education. I want the student body to reach any further education or professional job they can when they leave the campus. I want to have you find yourself in multiple leadership positions through our personalized and transformative educational resources. I want our name to enter into personalized healthcare and emphasize the science department with empathy and compassion.

What does a typical week look like for you?

Every week is different and changes. Since we have multiple campuses I try my best to split my time up between them. I spend some time with my father when I can because he is getting older. However, sometimes for philanthropy reasons I spend a lot of time traveling. I also spend a lot of my time in meetings.

With the universities declining rates of enrollment, what is the university doing to increase enrollment in light of the changing educational landscape?

There has been a committee created to explore different credentials that the student body could be able to deploy in our current curriculum. We are looking at our whole enrollment area and reviewing our best practices and being mindful of our revenue and expenses. We want the opportunity to put our money to where we can best use it. We are looking at a new website and we have data tested against different focus groups which has been an exciting new development for the admissions team.

As the university’s president, do you feel like you interact with students enough, and if not, what do you plan to do to make sure you’re still in touch with the student population on a more regular basis?

We had started some initiatives before COVID began. When the student body reaches out to me I always try my hardest to interact with them.

In your opinion, what sets Saint Mary’s apart from other Minnesota and Midwest private colleges and universities?

I find that the students here are extremely respectful and I am impressed by the sincerity you all have with each other and the faculty and staff. I love the sense of community and care amongst you all here and each of you represent that completely. The Lasalian and the Catholic ethos is at the core of this campus and it is an important piece of this all. The celebration of scholarship was an impressive time for the undergraduates and I was extremely proud.

In your experience, what is the key to developing a good team?

A willingness to engage and making sure people have a space to speak their minds. A good leader should be able to zoom in when necessary and zoom out when a larger perspective is needed. A sense of trust and disallowing blind loyalty and humility will bust leadership and instigate a great team. When your team is presenting new ideas to you there has to be an open mind behind your decision. 

SAC Budget
What was their budget last year? $56,670
Is there any spending break down?
There is no way to tell with restrictions and different factors.
How much do events generally cost?
In a normal year it costs $700-$1000.
Do you normally use your whole budget?
A good 98% of it is used each year.

Motion to accept the budget of $53,670 by Haddy Falkman
Seconded by Sam Carlson
Yay: 16            Nay: 0              Abstain: 0
Motion passes unanimously

SAAC Budget
Can we fund food that isn’t for the student body?
No and Yes
How many student athletes do we have on campus ?
Over a third
What’s D3 week?
A celebration of the hard work our student athletes go through

Motion to accept the budget of $1,610 by Sam Carlson
Seconded by Katie Pierpont
Yay: 16            Nay: 0              Abstain: 0
Motion passes unanimously

SOUL Budget
How do you sort out the amount of people on trips?
We do make them fill out an application and we try to make it equal for everyone’s situation.
If it is already a problem offering trips why offer furthermore away?
There are a lot of students that want to go on these trips and there are a lot of different Lasallian schools that want to help. There has been a big increase in the CE credit opportunities with these trips.
How much do these trips cost? Around $200 with no flights

Motion to accept the budget of $8,050 by Abby Gilland
Seconded by Sam Carlson
Yay: 15            Nay: 0              Abstain: 1
Motion passes

Big Little Pals Budget
Motion to table by Sam Carlson
Seconded by Katie Pierpong
Yay: 16            Nay: 0              Abstain: 0
Motion passes unanimously

Future Alumni Committee Budget
Motion to accept the budget of $895 by Sam Carlson
Seconded by Delaney Calabrese
Yay: 14            Nay: 2              Abstain: 0
Motion passes

Buddies Budget
How many people are in this club?
Around 20
Do you have leadership rolling over?

Motion to accept the budget of $630 by Jordan Keeley
Seconded by Maddie Wilsey
Yay: 16            Nay: 0              Abstain: 0
Motion passes unanimously

Student Senate Budget
Motion to accept the budget of $35,750 by Sam Carlson
Seconded by  Annie Carmean
Yay: 15            Nay: 0              Abstain: 1
Motion passes

Executive Board Reports

Elijah Williams, President
The high top table and coffee table for Toner 14 have arrived and have been installed. The space is almost complete and looks amazing! Please check it out if you haven’t yet.

Petitions for the 2022-2023 executive board positions will be coming early next week. Please keep an eye out for these.

Congratulations to the following senators and executive board members who were nominated for Outstanding Senior: Destiny Walker, Jonathan Krull, Angel Sacta Espinoza, and Jordan Keeley

As we approach budget season please ensure that you are letting us know if you are unable to make it. It is absolutely crucial that you provide a proxy if this is the case as we must meet quorum in order to pass financial requests. If you are going to be gone or late, you must notify Sophia O’Neil as quickly as possible.

Mary Furlong, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Just a reminder that course registration for fall semester is less than a month away: April 4-7.

Joseph Schauf, Vice President of Financial Affairs
Nothing to Report

Jonathon Krull, Vice President of Public Affairs
Whiteboards should be up in Toner 14, we will be voting to pay for them when we get the official cost.

Next week we will be voting on two Capital Improvements, the stained glass windows for the chapel/oratory in Mary’s Hall and an air hockey table for the Toner Game Room.

We are working to get quotes for a TV in the Senate conference room (Toner 6C) as well as quotes for new furniture/additional study spaces in Toner.

Final quotes for the previous submissions should be in by the end of the month, we will vote as soon as we get them.

Tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. (3/16) we have the Local Leadership in Divisive Times panel in the President’s Lounge in Toner.

Angel Sacta Espinoza, Vice President of Campus Affairs
Nothing to Report

Lyanna Novak, Vice President of Student Affairs
March 16, knitting in the Game Room 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
March 18, Patty’s Day Bingo in the Eatery at 8:00 p.m.
March 20, DIY Bird Feeders in the Hall of Fame Room at 12:30 p.m.

Campus Ministry
10K Run/Walk for the People of Ukraine March 26 from 10:00 a.m-12:00 p.m.
Located at Outdoor Track.
$10 minimum donation and the first 50 registrants get a free T-shirt.

Riley Hall, Vice President of Media and Communications
The student senate website is live.

Destiny Walker, Vice President of Multicultural Affairs
Nothing to Report

Sophia O’Neil, Executive Assistant
Class officer meeting being scheduled to discuss fundraiser opportunities

Dr. Timothy Gossen, Advisor
Nothing to Report

Class Officer Reports
Freshman: Easter basket fundraiser
Sophomores: Nothing to Report
Juniors: Nothing to Report
Seniors: Beer and Seltzer in the pub

Senator Concerns
Brother Leopold outdoor furniture
Wasps Nests in the back of Brother Leopold

Motion to Adjourn by Sam Carlson
Seconded by Katie Pierpont
Motion passes unanimously
Meeting Adjourned at 8:28 p.m.