Student Senate meeting minutes for 3/2123

Posted By: Ann Merchlewitz On: 2023-03-22
Posted On: 2023-03-22

Student Senate Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2023

Meeting called to order by Vice President of Academic Affairs Hunter Phillips at 7:00 p.m.

Chair passed from Hunter Phillips to Joseph Schauf 

Prayer and reflection by Anthony Vera

Members Present

Hunter Phillips, Joseph Schauf, Katie Pierpont, Maggie Newhouse, Anne Carmean, Riley Hall, Morgan Brown, Maddie Wilsey, Isabelle Fortner, Guy Cardinal, Allison Moysis, Madi Slavin, Joel Tranel, Paige Morris, Abby Gilliland, Seth Peterson, Leah Parker, Madison Clark, Noah Kiemel, Samuel Frick, Lexi Campsure, Melanie Winzenburg, Connor Close, Anthony Vera, Kristian Lindanger

Members Absent


Members Excused

Sophia O’Neil

Presentation from Tricia Wehrenberg from Winona Public Library

SAGA Club Budget Request

Request of $214

Motion to fund the suggested amount of $150 by Abby Gilliland

Second by Seth Peterson

Motion passes

Nordic Ski Club Budget Request

Request of $6525

Motion to fund the suggested amount of $4950 by Guy Cardinal

Second by Anthony Vera

Motion passes

Criminal Justice Club Budget Request

Request of $360

Motion to fund the suggested amount of $340 by Kristian Lindanger

Second by Guy Cardinal 

Motion passes

Psychology Club Budget Request

Request of $403

Motion to fund the suggested amount of $370 by Abby Gilliland 

Second by Guy Cardinal

Motion passes

Club Soccer Budget Request 

Request of $600

Motion to fund the suggested amount of $510 by Noah Kiemel

Second by Connor Close

Motion passes

Culture of Life Club Budget Request

Request of $7478

Motion to fund the suggested amount of $4190 by Anthony Vera

Second by Joel Tranel

Motion passes

TriBeta Academic Request

Request of $478

Motion to fund the suggested amount of $410 by Guy Cardinal

Second by Anthony Vera

Motion passes

Senate Budget Allocation

Academic Request Fund $5,000

Special Request Fund $16,000

Hunger Free Campus Emergency Grant Fund $2,000

Office Supply $300

Senate Programming Fund $5,000

Student Dorm Expense $5,628.75

Total $33,930.00

Motion to fund at the suggested amount of $33,930.00 by Kristian Lindanger

Second by Guy Cardinal

Motion passes

Resolution 006: Water Bottle Fillers

Request of $11,000

Motion to adopt resolution 006 by Guy Cardinal

Second by Kristian Lindanger

Motion passes unanimously

Executive Board Reports

Sophia O’Neil, President

Nothing to report.

Hunter Phillips, Vice President of Academic Affairs

Meeting with the ed standards group. Will update on what is discussed. A month from today is faculty appreciation day, and we will be doing thank you cards again. 

Joseph Schauf, Vice President of Financial Affairs

7-8 more budgets next week.

Riley Hall, Vice President of Public Affairs

Lights out will be happening on the 29th. Day at The Capital is the 30th.  Hunger free campus handout is done.

Maggie Newhouse, Vice President of Campus Affairs

Canvases will be put up shortly.

Katie Pierpont, Vice President of Student Affairs

Plazapalooza April 21 from 6-9. Senate participates. 

The Senate banquet is April 12th.  Iinvites will be out soon.

Student versus staff kickball game tomorrow 6pm.

SAC meeting Thursday.

Update from reslife: get your housing deposit in ASAP as  housing selection starts April 12. 

Anne Carmean, Vice President of Media and Communications

If you want to run for executive board, reach out to me for a petition. 

Maddie Wilsey, Vice President of Multicultural Affairs

Nothing to report. 

Morgan Brown, Vice President of Administrative Affairs

Nothing to report.

Ann Merchlewitz, Advisor

Meeting with maintenance on Thursday to hand the prints. 

Trustees donated money to the cardinal co-op. 

Day at the capital email came out today; more information to come. 

Class Officer Reports

Freshman: Nothing to report.

Sophomores: Nothing to report.

Juniors: Dunk tank at Plazapalooza. 

Seniors: Nothing to report.

Senator Concerns

Question about time slots for housing registration. Should be out before Easter Break. Will double check on that. 


Motion to Adjourn by Guy Cardinal

Seconded by Connor Close 

Motion passes unanimously 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:21pm