Student Senate Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order by Vice President of Financial Affairs Joel Tranel at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present
Mario Rodriguez Gomez, Connor Close (Taverie Sherner), Dayanara Saldarriaga, Alison French, Sidney Polzin, Gabe Potyk (Jacqueline Avilez), Abbie Stigler (Naleyah Bork), Jacob Fiala, Abby Nosbisch (Lizzie Pike), Makenna Vickery, Caden Rodning, Emma Mara, Teagan Phillips, Melanie Winzenburg, Mallory Von Tersch, Emma Gerdes, Leah Parker, Paige Morris, Sam Frick, Joel Tranel, and Maddi Clark
Members Absent
Members Excused
Maggie Newhouse, Jack Campion, Noah Kiemel, Nick, Kiemel, and Ann Merchlewitz
Guest Speaker -Shelly Shell
- Career Services
- Worked in corporate and leadership roles for nonprofits, helped unemployed people gain access to jobs, and am now a student for life after college.
- Get students ready for life after college.
- What is the job of a resume?
- To get you the interview
- Have a face-to-face conversation
- How do you stand out?
- You are competing with others that have the same qualifications
- Education, experiences, transferable skills
- Crafting your resume
- Resume keywords, accomplishments, and experiences
- Get a feel of what the perfect job is looking for
- Curating jobs that will help advance your career
- Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
- Resume filtering software – screen applicants for keywords and relevant experience
- Only 25% of resumes make it through to the hiring manager
- The computer must notice you to have the opportunity to WOW people
- They only give you 6 seconds to look at your resume for the first time
- The Cover Letter offers you another chance to demonstrate your writing skills
- Always include a cover letter unless the location tells you otherwise
- Objectives on the cover letter: Transition to summary
- State Your Case
- 1 page for your Resume
- Professional/Functional job title
- Value/Contribution
- What people say about you
- How do you impact business/organization
- Apply your brand
- Value Proposition
- Match with target position
- 30-second commercial
- Hard Skills: technical expertise in the field
- Soft Skills: personal strengths or transferable skills
- Directly correlate how this connects. Needs to prove it down the resume
- Work/Professional Experience
- Reverse chronological order
- Company, Location, Years of Employment, Job Titles
- Consistency- Format & Content
- Accomplishment Statements
- What was the impact of that
- Intentional
- Metrics
- Examples: saved time, money, expenses
- What was the impact of that
- Accomplishments
- Demonstrate qualifications
- Include decisive Actions and Measurable Results
- What Actions Lead to Results?
- What metrics can you cite that prove your summary?
- Example:
- Original example: Helped execute daily operations of the golf facility.
- Revised example: Managed greens and flag placement, reducing overtime for grounds crew by 15%.
- Additional Information
- Achievements/Awards
- Student Athlete
- One bullet point is why you are essential to their team and how that team has impacted you.
- Relevant Experience
- Leadership Roles
- Competencies for a career-ready workforce in anyone
- Resume Review & Resources
- Writing center
- Friends
- Family
- Past teachers
- ATS Screen – Job Scan (Fee for Service): 5 free scans
- Handshake:
- Videos
- Downloadable Resources
- One-on-One Appointment
- Career Fair
- 250+ Students attended → 195% increase
- 87 Employers → 21 new employers
- Employer Data:
- 85% rated student professionalism a 4 of 4
- 68% rated student preparedness of a 4 of 4
- Opportunities:
- Sports Management, Education, Public Relations & Graduate Schools will need to be added for next year
- Student Senate’s Influence
- One connection with Career Services
- 78% of students will state that their education was valuable
- Last Year, it was 30%
- The goal is 70% for Saint Mary’s
- One connection with Career Services
- When students graduate with benefits from career services, they are better equipped for their
- Let us know ideas to make career services better
- Different events
- What we need
- Student employee
- Not a ton of hours
- Work Study Job
- What they will work on
- Social media
- Big events
- Launching a new website format
- Questions:
- What would be the best time to connect with career services?
- After you create a draft, then connect
- Send it to them ahead of time so they can scan it
- After you create a draft, then connect
- What would be the best time to connect with career services?
Executive Board Reports
Mggie Newhouse, President
- There will be no Senate meeting next Tuesday, November 21st.
Sam Frick, Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Senate Billboard by the admissions office is up.
- The Course Registration Survey is now paired with the Student Success Center and will come out shortly. Please look out for it and complete it/encourage other students also to complete
Joel Tranel, Vice President of Financial Affairs
- Sophomore Class Officers, I can keep helping you look for fundraising opportunities.
Jack Campion, Vice President of Public Affairs
- Please fill out the Student Senate Testimonial Google Form
Nick Kiemel, Vice President of Campus Affairs
- He will be meeting with Curt from Chartwells on Thursday to aid in surveying for student feedback on any improvements that can be made.
Paige Morris, Vice President of Student Affairs
- Events for the week
- Tuesday
- Women’s Basketball home 7:00
- Wednesday
- Men’s Basketball home 7:00
- Friday
- Women’s Hockey at home 7:00
- Blue Angel 7-8:30
- Saturday
- Men’s Hockey at home 7:00
- Blue Angel 7-8:30
- Tuesday
Noah Kiemel, Vice President of Media and Communications
- Nothing to report
Maddi Clark, Vice President of Administrative Affairs
- Senior senators will be selling alcohol on Thursday for the SAC Magician event
- Beer and Seltzers will be 2/$5
- 21 and older to buy beverages
- You have to bring both your government ID and Student ID
Leah Parker, Vice President of Multicultural Affairs
- Nothing to report
Ann Merchlewitz, Advisor
- Nothing to report
Class Officer Reports
- Nothing to report
- Working on new fundraising
- Nothing to report
- The event for SAC is for everyone, but only those 21 and older can buy alcohol.
Motion made to Adjourn- Jacob Fiala
Seconded – Caden Rodning
Meeting Adjourned at 7:40 p.m.