Have you ever wanted to be able to reach out to the SMU community and ask for a ride home? Or sell a piece of furniture you no longer need? Maybe you want to ask if someone has a book you need. While the SMU Today articles are a great way to find out what is happening on campus, it isn’t really a bulletin board where you can leave a message for the community. Maybe you want to offer guitar lessons and need a way to find students. Or you want to sell your car?
We have an online tool for just this kind of thing – it is an email distribution group called Win Bulletin. When you email something to the group, everyone who has subscribed to the list will receive your message, enabling them to see your message.
This is for Faculty / Staff / Students. The SMU Community! Maybe you aren’t sure if this is for you – too many emails about books or guitar lessons. You can always opt back out if this traffic isn’t for you and your situation.
From this author’s perspective, not enough people are aware of the system, and you have to opt into it by subscribing. A bulletin board only works if enough people see the messages. So how do you sign up? Easy – our friends at IT have already got us covered – there is a Tech FAQ article that explains the simple process for opting in or out of the distribution group. Just send an email requesting to be subscribed. Then you will see all the things that go out to WinBulletin@smumn.edu and maybe you can find that cool thing you’ve been looking for at SMU.
Don’t suffer from FOMO, subscribe today!