How to post to Saint Mary’s Today

Posted By: Ben Rodgers On: 2023-01-09
Posted On: 2023-01-09

Are you needing to highlight an event, communicate an important deadline, or share information with your coworkers? Saint Mary’s Today is the channel to do so. 

What is Saint Mary’s Today? 

Saint Mary’s Today is a self-submitted newsletter platform that provides day-to-day information and is sent out through audience-specific emails. Content is submitted to Saint Mary’s today by staff and faculty. Students who need to post to Saint Mary’s Today must do so through an adviser. 

How to post to Saint Mary’s Today 

  1. Go to
  2. If you are not registered to submit to Saint Mary’s Today, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the “Register” button. 
  3. If you have already registered, or once you register, return to and click “Submit My News”, which will take you to the submission form. 
  4. When submitting an article, you must first select an audience. Audiences include alumni, faculty and staff, graduate and professional students, undergraduate Winona students, and visitors. Multiple audiences can be selected. 
  5. After selecting an audience, you are required to select one category. 
  6. Next, write a headline and preview for your article. Headlines must be 60 characters or less and previews must be 160 characters or less. Headlines and previews that are too long will be cut off when sent out in the email digest. 
  7. Once you have filled out a headline and preview, you may post the body of the article. There is no character limit for the length of the article’s body, although it’s always best to be concise.  
  8. If you have an image, it can be uploaded in the “Featured image” section of the submission form. Photos for the featured image must be a minimum of 600×600 pixels. Additional images can be added to a gallery and uploaded. 
  9. After images are uploaded, you must select a date range for when your article will be visible on Saint Mary’s Today. Your article will also be featured in the next available email digest during your selected range. If you’d like it to appear more than once, we recommend articles run for no more than a week. After appearing at the top once, the remainder of the week, it will appear in “in case you missed it.”
  10. Before submitting, you must agree to Saint Mary’s Today policy, which cites: Saint Mary’s Today articles are written and posted by faculty and staff throughout the organization. While Marketing and Communication has the right to remove content deemed inappropriate, Marketing and Communication staff are not responsible for editing content prior to publishing.

If you have additional questions about Saint Mary’s Today, please contact Ben Rodgers or Deb Nahrgang at or