If you are interested in increasing your knowledge about mental health, becoming a resource for others, getting a green bandana, or all of the above, sign up for our upcoming mental health training session! The training will occur on October 25th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in Aquinas 200 and is open to both students and faculty. We are allowed to have 30 people attend during a session so if you are interested make sure to sign up ASAP! We will be having a speaker from the organization NAMI coming in to lead a training focused on QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer to educate us about suicide prevention to support those in crisis. You can find the sign-up sheet by either scanning the QR code or by finding the link in our Instagram (@smumngreenbandana) bio. Hope to see you there!

Green Bandana Certification Training
Posted By: Myles Sandolph On: 2023-10-19
Posted On: 2023-10-19