Former Ebenezer Care Facility New Tenant

Posted By: Gena Bilden On: 2024-12-09
Posted On: 2024-12-09

The former Ebenezer Care Facility, across from the University Center, has been shuttered for several months. Many have asked what the plans are for this location. Our Savior’s Community Services Emergency Shelter, currently located at 2219 Chicago Avenue, is temporarily relocating to the building.

The Emergency Shelter’s current building is undergoing a renovation and expansion. The expansion is funded by a capital grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, this project will create safer, more accessible spaces, and add a second level so they can increase their service model from 21 to 38 guests. Construction will begin soon, and this week, the shelter will temporarily move to 2545 Portland Avenue (formerly the Ebenezer Care Faculty building) for 6 to 8 months.

With the move, the shelter has some needs.

  • Help pack up the shelter and unpack on the other side! If you love organizing, playing Tetris with boxes, and carrying moderately heavy things, be a Packing Partner!
  • Support guests at the temporary location by serving as a Welcome Host. This new role will greet arriving guests, host activities, support meal service, and spend time interacting with guests.
  • Shop for good! We are looking for donations of specific bedding and cleaning supplies for the new space. Find what we’re looking for on the FAQ page, on the Our Savior’s Housing Amazon Wishlist, or please contact Wateen at for more information.
  • Provide a basket for one or more residents.
  • Provide or sponsor a meal this winter. Our guests love your meals more than anything. Please consider signing up to provide and serve a meal at the temporary site or sponsoring the costs of a meal!
  • Give! We will need your increased and sustained support to be able operate a larger shelter next year.

Learn more at Please contact to learn how you or your group can get involved or expand your impact!