Donations for Homeless Youth

Posted By: Marisa Naryka On: 2025-01-16
Posted On: 2025-01-16

We are collecting groceries and household products for Metro Homeless Youth, a service of our neighbor’s Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota. Please see the photo and/or flyers around campus with the donation list.

Collection boxes will be available in each of the buildings by January 17.

Please place household items in plastic bags.

Cold donations can be placed in the labeled refrigerator in the La Salle Hall 1st floor kitchen. Please place a sticky note on the cold donations to identify the donations. If you have specific questions about the cold donations, please contact Marisa Naryka (507-457-1781) or Stacia Stone (612-728-5142).

Donations will be collected on Friday, January 24 at 10 a.m. for delivery to Metro Homeless Youth.