Caring Cardinals

Posted By: Ann Merchlewitz On: 2021-12-09
Posted On: 2021-12-09

Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

   – Leo Buscaglia

As Cardinals, we have been working together throughout this pandemic to retain the sense of community that makes Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota the special place that it is.  During this holy season of Advent and moving forward for the rest of the year, we plan, each week, to highlight members of our community — faculty, staff, and students — who through both big and small acts of caring contribution to our community.  So, today, let me highlight a few caring Cardinals that have impacted and sustained me these last several months:

  • A student who sent me a thank you note for my support of her.
  • Two hockey players who skated endlessly with a small 3-year-old boy at our hockey rink during a community skate, one on each side holding him up and chatting with him the whole time.
  • A student who made me a beautiful purple stress jar that, I must confess, I shake and watch whenever life starts feeling a bit overwhelming.

What student, staff or faculty member has cared about you or someone else in some big or small way?  Let’s share those stories as reminders that “the power of touch, a smile, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring”  help make our community stronger and our burdens lighter.  Email me at and share your stories.  We’ll keep everything anonymous.  

We need joy in our lives.  Let’s celebrate our caring Cardinals!

Ann Merchlewitz

Chair, Pandemic Assessment and Coordinating Team