Call for TRBD beneficiary nominations

Posted By: Tricia Dobrient On: 2021-12-16
Posted On: 2021-12-16
Hi Cardinal Community!
It is that exciting time of year again where the Taylor Richmond benefit dance committee is taking nominations for the benefit dance this spring! Attached below is the link so submit any and all nominations that you have for beneficiaries. The beneficiary must be someone in the Winona community, whether it is a family member of a student, a staff or faculty member, or just someone who you know could use the support. They also need to have some sort of medical need. That can be any medical reason from help funding equipment, help funding treatment, or any other dues they may have. Please fill this form out by Jan. 17, 2022, at 11:59pm. If there are any questions, please reach out to president Caroline Cummings at or vice president Catie Schiltz at